Due to age, seniors suffer from poor testosterone production and nerve and cell damage, as well as diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol, which suppress and reduce sex performance, so they are unable to engage in sexual activity. and refers to:
You have one pack two hours before sexually performing, please drink a lot of water “better after meals”
Note: The pack is effective for at least 48 hours, so it is not advised to use it on a daily basis
Contraindications: Not allowed for renal failure patients or patients with heart issues” high blood pressure – Ischemia” , it is also not allowed for children or pregnant women
Increases sexual desire.
Strengthens the erection without feeling tired.
Boosts self confidence due to a stable sexual performance.
Increases testosterone levels.
Decreases prostate issues and illnesses in the man’s productive system.
Gives a feeling of activeness, mind clarity, and refreshes the memory.
Supports body cells with amino acids and minerals, important for the metabolism.
Organizes cell metabolism because of the omega 3.